Balls For Barry

January 27, 2011

A True Liberal Nation™ Action Item

He’s halfway through his first term now, and Barry has shown no indication that he’s “learning on the job.”  He has, however, steadily improved his golfing skills, and that’s the career path we think he should pursue come January, 2013.  Sorry, Barry, there are no mulligans in politics.

Many people have accused Barry of not having the cojones to be president.  We want to make sure he has plenty of balls for his new career as a pro golfer.  So please join True Liberal Nation™ in our Balls for Barry campaign by donating a golf ball or two, new or used, for Barry’s new career.  Send them to:

Barack Obama, ex-president
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003

Feel free to include a note of encouragement.

We will also be presenting Barry with a set of golf clubs (probably used) as a gift to help launch his new career.  Let us know if you can participate in the presentation ceremony at the White House.

A Valentine for Hillary

January 27, 2011

A True Liberal Nation™ Action Item

This February 14th, don’t forget to send a Valentine’s Day greeting to America’s favorite sweetheart, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

As an activist, First Lady, and US Senator, she’s always worked selflessly to help others.  As a candidate for president, she gained more primary votes than anyone in history. Her tenacity, courage and grace under pressure impressed and inspired the entire nation.  As Secretary of State, she has won the respect and admiration of foreign leaders, heads of state, and her own political opponents at home.

For all of this, Hillary Clinton deserves an expression of our gratitude.  Send a Valentines Day card to:

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Include a note letting Hillary know how much you appreciate everything she’s done.  And ask her to pretty-please do us one more favor — run for president in 2012, and then get this country back on track as only she knows how.

Because They’re All Blue States™

January 27, 2011

In current parlance, the term “liberal” has become a pejorative.  Liberalism has been falsely equated with collectivization at home and weakness abroad.  Liberals are portrayed as “bleeding hearts”, out of touch with the mainstream, lost in fantasy, incapable of getting things done.

In truth, liberal ideals are American ideals.  From its birth, our Nation’s success, prosperity and well-being have been secured by implementing liberal principles.  When others have wished to hold us back, it’s been Liberals who’ve had the courage, tenacity and vision to move us forward and make us better and stronger.

Liberalism on the Run

Given all the right wing blather these days, it might come as a surprise to learn that most Americans agree with liberal principles.  Yet poll after poll reveals that overwhelming majorities of Americans favor:

  • Universal healthcare with a public option;
  • Addressing deficits not by cutting programs, rather by restoring tax levels on the very rich;
  • Keeping Social Security healthy & intact;
  • Ending the needless wars in Iraq & Afghanistan;
  • Protecting women’s choice;
  • Maintaining separation of church & state;
  • Moving to energy independence through renewable sources;
  • Election reform and campaign finance limits;
  • Strengthening regulations that protect us from the rapacious greed and misdeeds of banks & corporations.

While the talking heads try to convince us the country is turning red, the American people are telling us that in fact, they’re all blue states.

Why then, is Liberalism on the run?  In large part because its traditional standard-bearer, the Democratic Party, has gone astray in both words and in deeds.  An impostor Democrat in the White House has thrown open the gates of our free, egalitarian society and allowed the corporate brigands to sack and pillage our nation.  The wishes and principles of the majority of Americans are being ignored.

A True Liberal Nation™

Enough of that.  Today we announce the inception of True Liberal Nation™.  A nationwide advocacy group, True Liberal Nation will:

  1. Combat the defamation of liberalism, and fairly present the true liberal principles espoused by most Americans;
  2. Urge the Democratic Party to return to its principles and to nominate candidates that support true liberal principles;
  3. Endorse, support and vote for only true liberal candidates, regardless of party affiliation;
  4. Support third party candidates, or field candidates of our own when required.

This is not an astroturfed movement. It’s not even grassroots.  True Liberal Nation is more a “grass seed” movement — germs of ideas and actions with you providing the watering to see them grow.   We announce two action items today, both to deal with our most urgent task, replacing ASAP that corporatist whore in the White House with a competent true liberal.  They are simple and fun to participate in, so please do take part in them.

Take a look here at the other initiatives, campaigns and action items planned by True Liberal Nation.  Then contact us today at and let us know how you can join in.

Now’s the time to get America headed forwards again, and we’re the ones who need to do it.

(c) 2011 by True Liberal Nexus.  All rights reserved.

Tom in Paine on “Liable to be Blood”

January 18, 2011

Over at the outstanding blog, Tom in Paine, fellow true liberal Marc Rubin invokes a devastating indictment of the Tea Party’s gun-based, violent rhetoric & imagery, and its inevitable consequences.

As this was to be the subject of the next TLN post, we’ll just link it here, and thank Tom in Paine for addressing this issue more eloquently than we could have.